Black Duck Foods

Buckwheat flour with Native Grains flour Pancakes



1.5 cups Buckwheat flour

20g Native Grains flour

2 tbs lemon juice

70g butter melted

1tbs honey/fine sugar

3/4 tsp baking soda

1 large egg

1 & 3/4 cups of milk 


In a 2 cup jug stir in milk and lemon juice - set aside for 5 minutes.

Whisk flour and baking soda. Whisk egg into the milk and make a well in the flour pour in milk, melted butter and honey/sugar use a fork to stir. 

Brush skillet with melted butter. Use high heat and adjust heat to suit. For a lighter pancake mix add more milk as desired. (this causes the mixture to become more delicate)

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