Our Promise

Black Duck Foods has a vision to re-devel­op tra­di­tion­al food grow­ing and coun­try man­age­ment process­es for the eco­nom­ic ben­e­fit of Aboriginal peo­ples and Country.

Our promise is to:

  1. Research what our Elders did – Indige­nous led research is a core value.
  2. Under­stand how our Elders man­aged Coun­try – and iden­ti­fy what val­ue that cre­ates now.
  3. Under­stand how our Elders sus­tain­ably grew foods that ben­e­fit­ed all of life on Coun­try – iden­ti­fy what sys­tems, process­es and meth­ods can be imple­ment­ed today.
  4. Active­ly encour­age Aboriginal peo­ples to be employed to learn and share this knowledge.
  5. Inspire the broad­er Aus­tralian com­mu­ni­ty to val­ue this knowl­edge & reform agri­cul­tur­al prac­tices across Aus­tralia for the sake of Country.
  6. Devel­op the process so that oth­er Aboriginal com­mu­ni­ties don’t have to start from scratch – pay­ing from scratch.
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